Trade & Service Mark Nigeria is a party to the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks and the Nice Agreement on the International Classification of Goods and Services. The laws governing trademark administration and the enforcement of it accruing rights in Nigeria are contained...
Introduction The Patents and Designs Act of 1971 Cap. 344 is the substantive law governing affairs of patents in Nigeria, while the Patent, while the Patents Rules regulates the procedures adopted at the Patent Registry. Under section 26 Patent and Designs Act, the Jurisdiction to...
Our commercial law practice covers joint ventures, agency, and commodities. We assist our clients to develop transaction strategy and structure, and to document their transactions.
We advise clients on best vehicles for conducting their businesses in regulated industries and the requirements and policies regulating such industries. We provide a wide array of services to clients who seek to promote compliance standards and detect potential violations.
We advise on banking relationships, credit and security, factoring and discounting, project finance, property finance, discounting of bills and other receivables, securitisations and other types of repackaging, securities and banking regulation.